A Dollar for Missions

Current DFM Project

Continue prison ministries begun in 2024 or to start ministry in prisons not currently being so served

DFM is funding new prison ministries in central Illinois. If a congregation lends its pastor to prison ministry one day a week, Central Illinois District is in a position to thank that church with $5,000 per year.

The current DFM project is to continue a project already begun. In 2023, DFM funds were raised to begin ministry in as many as four new prisons in central Illinois during 2024. With the funds gathered, CID started to fund one in January, and hopes to start more before the end of this year.

Now in 2024 the DFM project is to gather sufficient money to make sure such new work in prisons and county jails can continue to be funded into 2025, or so work can be started in a new prison or jail in 2025.

Amount to be funded: $10,000
Project: Continue prison ministries begun in 2024 or to start ministry in prisons not currently being so served

The video shown above is broken down into two segments and can be viewed or shared separately:

1. Why is it important to raise funds for prison ministry?

2. What is the model that CID is adopting and why is it helpful?