The LCMS Central Illinois District (CID) is comprised of 148 congregations of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), spanning over 50 counties in Central Illinois.
The purpose of the LCMS Central Illinois District as a corporate body, is to respond to the Great Commission of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Matt. 28) which is "to make disciples of all nations."
The congregations of the District carry out this command by electing, calling, appointing and employing District personnel whose function, in part, is to advise and assist the congregations of the District in the use of their God-given resources to fulfill this mission and ministry both within their locality and throughout the world.
To accomplish this purpose such personnel of the LCMS Central Illinois District serve the members of the congregations of the District in their ministry of worship, witness, nurture, stewardship, and fellowship and assist them in establishing and maintaining missions and ministries beyond the structure of their congregations.