News & Events


CID/SID Fall Pastor's Conference


The Joint CID/SID Fall Conference meets October 7-9, 2024 at Mariner's Village at Carlyle Lake (1 Resort Drive, Carlyle, IL). Registration begins at 11:30am on Monday, with the opening Divine Service at Messiah, Carlyle (1091 13th St, Carlyle, IL) at 12:30pm.
Professors Chad Kendall and Kirk Clayton will present on "Engaging Unbelief: The Proper Distinction between Apologetics and Protreptics."
Preferred method of registration is by using the online form - with online and mail-in payment options available. This online form can also be used to submit your excused absence request. The attached, fillable PDF version of the registration form may also be used.
Overnight accommodations can be made at Mariner's Village (618-594-7666 or Carlyle Inn and Suites (618-594-8888
Your servant in Christ,
Rev. Michael Mohr (

Small Church Summit (SCS)


Helping One Another with Resources

 Our next Small Church Summit is TBD.


A Million Dollar Match

Starting in 2022, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) will offer $1 million in matching grants. These funds will help the Synod’s member congregations to support various local pro-life efforts, both big and small. 

The people of the LCMS love children and families. Through many acts of mercy in their communities, we demonstrate this love. The $1 million match will mobilize still more love in action.

For more information, go to


LERT Basic Training Event

(None scheduled at this time)

Please join us for the Lutheran Early Response Team volunteer training program.  Together we will walk through a simple training program designed to help you serve as a trained Christian volunteer when a disaster strikes and to help your family and congregation to be prepared for disasters.  This training is part of a Synod-wide disaster response program, facilitated by a network of District Disaster Response Coordinators and Teams, under the direction of LCMS Disaster Response.  After the program, you will receive a completion card credential and a T-shirt.  

PLEASE NOTE:  Registrations must be received by two weeks prior to the training day to ensure a shirt at the time of the class photo.  Registrations received after that date will have shirts sent with the credential card.

In the chaos of disaster, it's important to stay focused on the task at hand.  This training will help you focus on the most important thing to remember as you prepare for or to respond to a disaster in your community or beyond.  At the center of our LERT Volunteer training is one thing:  MERCY!  Christ's mercy is the basis for everything we say and do.  This 6-hour training event will equip you to be an effective volunteer should a disaster strike your community.  After a brief introduction regarding the goals and theological rationale of LCM Disaster Response, the LERT volunteer training will address the following:  

  • Christian care in times of disaster
  • A Ministry of presence
  • The LERT Program and how it works with other responders
  • Introduction to Disaster Response
  • At the work site:  Debris clean up, tarp and patch, flood and mud clean up, chainsaw safety, and necessary paperwork.

Cost for the day is $35, which includes light breakfast, lunch, book/materials, t-shirt, and credential card.  If you are repeating the session we ask that you contribute $15 if you need a new book and t-shirt to help defray the costs.


LERT Chainsaw Training Event

(None scheduled at this time)

The training will consist of 4 hours of instructional-based (Classroom Portion) and 4 hours of operational-based (Hands-On Portion). Volunteers should be between the ages of 18 and 85. The cost of the training is $35.00. Lunch will be provided. If you are already LERT Chainsaw certified, the event is considered continuing education, so there is no charge for re-training. A $5 to $8 offering is welcome to help pay for your lunch.

You must have previously completed the LERT basic training class to participate in this class.

All participants will need to bring the following items: Helmet, ear protection, eye protection, chaps, gloves, steel toed boots, chainsaw, chain-bar oil, and fuel. If members do not have these items, they will be provided to you at the time of training. During the training, you will learn the following:

Bring your LERT disaster response vest and your LERT I.D. certification badge.

The afternoon hands-on session will be held outside. Please wear weather-appropriate clothing. We will pause for heavy rain or lightning. WEAR CLOTHING APPROPRIATE FOR THE WEATHER.

If you have any questions regarding this event, please contact Stephen Born at (217) 220-0162 or email


Video Resources

Video/Commercial - Spread the Good News of Jesus’ birth on your congregation’s website, Facebook page, Local TV/Radio station, etc. This high resolution file can be sent to you from the CID office. You can see this video on the CID website ( under theVideo Resources Tab.