Vacancies (37 total, 26 actively calling or on temporary hold)
Altamont, Immanuel - Rev. Jim Wright has accepted a call to Michigan. The congregation has issued a call, and the name will be published once the pastor-elect has had opportunity to notify his current congregation.
Bloomington, Trinity - Rev. Billy Newell has accepted a call to South Dakota. The congregation extended a call to their Associate Pastor, Rev. David McBurney, to serve as Senior Pastor. He accepted and was installed on Nov. 3. The congregation is studying their staffing needs to determine whether to call an additional staff pastor.
Bluffs, Trinity/Winchester, Christ - Rev. Richard Harre is serving this dual parish in their vacancy.
Broadlands, Immanuel - The congregation is looking to expand their staff to include an associate pastor. They are discussing their next steps.
Buffalo, Risen Savior - Rev. Keith Bueltmann accepted a call to Pana. The congregation is contemplating their next steps.
Chapin, St. Paul - Rev. Gene Strattmann has announced his upcoming retirement. President Mohr has conducted a pre-call meeting, and the congregation is considering their next steps.
Charleston, Immanuel - Rev. Ken Hoover has retired. Having exhausted their first call list, the congregation has received a new list from the District President, and they prepare to issue a new call.
Delavan, Christ/San Jose, St. Luke - Rev. Dr. David Jacob has accepted a call to Michigan. President Mohr has conducted a Pre-Call Meeting. They are preparing their Congregational Self-Study.
Eureka, Our Redeemer - Rev. Joseph Burns has announced his retirement. A Pre-Call meeting has been conducted and the congregation is in the process of completing their Congregational Self-Study.
Golden, Holy Cross - Pastor Michael Grieve has accepted a call to North Dakota. The congregation has issued a call to Rev. Curtis Garland of Monroe, MI, and he is deliberating.
Hoopeston, Good Shepherd/Idaville, Immanuel - Having exhausted their previous lists, they are requesting a new list from the district office.
Jacksonville, Our Redeemer - Pastor John Laux has retired. The congregation has issued a call to Rev. Timothy Story of Chesterfield, MI, and he is deliberating.
Kewanee, St. Paul - Pastor Burnell Eckardt has retired. They have called Rev. Winston Grieser of Moses Lake, WA. He has accepted and will be installed just prior to Christmas.
Lawrenceville, Our Savior - They are being served in vacancy by a pastor from the Southern Illinois District. No call committee has been formed.
Loda, Immanuel - has been vacant since their pastor, Rev. David Allen, was called to glory. They are currently being served by Rev. Earl Kinnee.
Louisville, St. John - The Rev. Stephan Rutherford has accepted a call to Missouri. They have called Rev. Patrick Pinion of Hampshire, IL, and he has declined.
Moline, Holy Cross - Pastor Karsten has retired.The congregation has issued a call, and the name will be published once the pastor-elect has had opportunity to notify his current congregation.
Monticello, Faith - The Rev. Terry Strom has retired. Having exhausted their second list, the congregation has requested additional names from the District President.
Mt. Zion, Mt. Zion - Rev. Robert Bruer has retired. President Mohr conducted a Pre-Call Meeting that also included possible partnership models for the congregation. They are contemplating their next steps.
Newton, Good Shepherd - Rev. Michael Seidenstricker retired. They are being served by Rev. Earl Brown of Effingham.
Normal, Christ - Pastor Jonathan Huehn has accepted a call to Wisconsin. President Mohr met with the congregation to discuss various staffing models. The congregation is contemplating its next steps.
Pekin, Trinity - Pastor Simeon Raddatz has accepted a call to NID. Rev. Mark Drews has accepted the call and was installed on October 20.
Pittsfield, St. Paul -They are being served in vacancy by Prof. Abjar Bahkou and several students from Concordia Seminary - St. Louis.
Pleasant Plains, Zion - Rev. Don Pritchard has retired. The congregation prepares to issue another call.
Rochester, Good Shepherd - Rev. Janssen has retired. A pre-call meeting has been conducted as they also consider possible partnerships with nearby congregations.
Rushville, St. John/Mt. Sterling, First - Rev. Joseph Eckman has retired. Pulpit supply is being provided by nearby circuit pastors as the parish contemplates its next steps.
Sadorus, St. Paul - Rev. Matthew Montgomery accepted a call to Indiana. The congregation is contemplating its next steps as it prepares to issue a new call.
Salem, Salem - Rev. Michael Feldmann, their previous associate pastor, has accepted the call to become Senior pastor following the retirement of Rev. Doug Meyer. They have received a new list from the district office and prepare to issue a call.
Shobonier, St. Paul - Rev. David Hoehler has retired. The congregation is discussing with their circuit visitor their options for moving forward. At this time, there are no plans to issue a call but to continue for a time of vacancy being served by supply preachers.
Shumway, Faith - Pastor Rensner accepted a call to South Dakota. Their next call meeting is scheduled for 11/24.
Sigel, St. Paul - They are receiving pulpit supply through Rev. Earl Brown.
Springfield, Concordia - Pastor James Hennig accepted a call to SID. They are contemplating their next steps, including discussions about a partnership with a nearby congregation.
Springfield, Holy Trinity - They are currently being served in their vacancy by Rev. Michael Koschmann.
Springfield, Our Savior - Pastor Brendan Harrell has accepted a call to California. The congregation is evaluating their staffing needs to determine how they will proceed.
Springfield, Trinity - Pastor Paul Hemmenway has accepted a call to Oklahoma. The congregation has called Rev. Rev. Aaron Mueller of Glenn Carbon, IL, and he has accepted. He will be installed in mid-January.
Thawville, St. Peter - They are presently receiving pulpit supply through Rev. Earl Kinnee.
Urbana, Trinity - Pastor Shawn Boylan has retired. Having exhausted their current list, the congregation has requested additional names from the District President.
Washington, Our Savior - Having exhausted their current list, the congregation has requested a new list from the District President.
CID 2024 Vicars/Candidates Placed
Candidate Brandon Sullivan [CSL] Our Redeemer-Eureka to Christ Lutheran Church-Mason City, IL/Zion Lutheran Church-New Holland, IL
Candidate Jim Martin [CTSFW], Christ-Normal to Grace Lutheran Church-Clarksville, TN
Candidate Nathan Nelson [CSL], Former Vicar at Mt. Calvary-Decatur to Trinity Lutheran Church-Leavenworth, KS
CID Vicarage and Deaconess Internship Assignments 2024-2025
Kimberly Bauer [CTSFW] has received her assignment as a deaconess intern at St. John-East Moline under the supervision of Rev. Kent Umbarger.
There were no congregations from CID that requested vicars for this coming year.
Thanks to vicars Jacob Corrigan [CTSFW] and Ethan Hart [CSL], and Deaconess Intern Rachel McCloskey [CSL] for their service rendered to CID congregations during the 23-24 school year. We keep them in our prayers as they prepare for placement in their first calls. Placement services will be held at Fort Wayne on April 29, 2025 and at St. Louis on April 30, 2025. Click on the respective links for more information or to watch a livestream of the services.
Other Placements of Interest
Former Mt. Calvary-Decatur Vicar Nathan Nelson has been assigned as Associate Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church-Leavenworth, KS
Calls Pending
Calls Accepted
President's Calendar
Nov 1-2 - Lutheran State Volleyball Tournament
Nov 3 - 155th Anniversary - St. Paul-Blue Point (Altamont)
Nov 3 - Installation at Trinity-Bloomington
Nov 6-8 - Concordia Semonary-St. Louis Board of Regents Meeting in St. Louis
Nov 10-14 - Council of Presidents Meeting at Concordia University-Chicago
Nov 21 - CID Principals Conference
Nov 23-24 - Liturgy at Holy Cross-Vandalia
Nov 26 - CID Board of Directors Meeting
Nov 27-28 - Preach at St. Paul's-Des Peres, MO
Dec 3-4 - District Meetings with Office of National Mission in St. Louis
Dec 22 - Installation at St. Paul - Kewanee
Dec 24-25 - Liturgy at Holy Cross-Vandalia
Dec 25 - Preach at Holy Cross-Vandalia
Dec 28-29 - Preach at Holy Cross-Vandalia
Jan 4 - Camp CILCA Annual Meeting
Jan 8 - Archives Meeting
Jan 11 - Small Church Summit at Faith-Mt. Vernon
Jan 12 - Installation at Trinity-Springfield
Jan 23-26 - March for Life and Y4Life Conference in Washington, D.C.
Jan 28 - CID Board of Directors
Feb 2-6 - Council of Presidents Meeting in St. Louis
Feb 6-7 - Concordia Seminary-St. Louis Board of Regents Meeting
Feb 13 - Senior Group at Redeemer-Peoria
Feb 16 - Preach and conduct Pre-Call Meeting at St. John-East Moline