Circuit Witness and Outreach Workers

What are Circuit Witness and Outreach Workers (C-WOWs)?

Witness is telling the Good News about Jesus one-on-one. Outreach refers to the organized efforts of a congregation, under the Lord’s blessing, to bring people from initial contact with the church and its members to being gathered with the rest of the congregation around Word and Sacrament.

Circuit Witness and Outreach Workers (C-WOWs) can help you with both witness and outreach.

A C-WOW is a pastor, other rostered church worker, or layperson who keeps lines of communication open between the District and Synod on one hand and the congregations of your circuit on the other hand. C-WOWs can help your church find what you need for witness and outreach.

Below is a link to the C-WOW position description and to the right, issues of our C-WOW newsletter, which is called See? WOW! Take a peek!

We want C-WOWs and what they do to be the worst-kept secret in the District . . . other than the Gospel itself. Help us spill the beans, won’t you?

C-WOW Position Description

The Circuit Witness and Outreach Worker is chosen by the Circuit Visitor or the pastors of the Circuit’s churches to assist with witness and outreach efforts, promoting such efforts on a Circuit-wide basis and in the various congregations of the Circuit. This is an unofficial position within the Synod and District. Its responsibilities largely consist in serving as liaison between the District Evangelism Commission and Evangelism executive on one hand and the Circuit and its congregations on the other hand. Circuit Witness and Outreach Workers need to be acquainted with resources available to congregations from the Synod and the District, and it is important that they can give some of their time to their work with congregations and their Circuit as a whole.

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For more information, contact:

Dr. Ken Schurb, Evangelism Executive
LCMS Central Illinois District
1850 N. Grand Avenue West
Springfield, IL 62702-1626
(217) 793-1802