March 21, 2023
For many, the day began with a Matins service commemorating Joseph, Guardian of our Lord, at Trinity Lutheran Church in downtown Springfield. In his sermon, CID President Michael Mohr applied the example of Joseph to us and our responsibilities to care for child and mother as the hands and feet of Christ, the Lord Who died for us and rose again. Click here to read President Mohr's sermon. The host congregation’s pastor, Rev. Paul Hemenway, served as liturgist. Scripture lessons were read by Southern Illinois District President Timothy Scharr, Northern Illinois District Vice-President Cory Estby, and Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod President Matthew Harrison.
About 280 people attended Matins. They ate light lunches from Subway after the service while they awaited the noon pro-life rally in front of the capitol. CID President Mohr and LCMS President Harrison were among the speakers there. Click here to read President Mohr's speech. You may watch the Matins service below or visit
Following the rally, the March for Life stepped off at about 1:15. The crowd was estimated at 3,000 - 4,000 attendees. It took just over half an hour for participants to complete a counter-clockwise circuit around the capitol complex. A few pro-abortion protesters had positioned themselves outside the state library building, across the street from Trinity Lutheran Church, but there was no breach in civility. In fact, some of the pro-abortion protesters accepted the gift of lunch extended by Trinity congregation’s gracious LWML ladies.
A video of the rally can be found on Facebook at
Issues, etc. conducted several interviews from Trinity on the day of the Illinois March for Life. The audio recordings can be accessed on demand.