Identifying idols stands out as important. When the church brings the Gospel to people, we should understand their idols. We also need to recognize the idols in our own hearts and lives.
Idolatry lies at the heart of all sin, so our dealing with it dare not be superficial. For when we sinners fail to fear and love and trust in God, we find substitutes. We look for substitutes not only for God as Creator, but also as Redeemer and Sanctifier.
Martin Luther had much to say about idolatry, even when he wasn’t using that particular word. The book The Unholy Trinity: Martin Luther against the Idol of Me, Myself, and I by Michael Lockwood (CPH, 2016) lays out Luther’s multi-faceted case against idolatry and for the one saving God. During the first few months of 2021, CID staff member Ken Schurb moderated a discussion of this book. You can view videos of the discussion sessions here.
Week | Chapter(s) | Video Discussions |
Week 1 (Jan. 14) | Intro & Chap. 1 | Week 1 Video |
Week 2 (Jan. 28) | Chap. 2 & 3 | Week 2 Video |
Week 3 (Feb. 25) | Chap. 4 | Week 3 Video |
Week 4 (Mar. 11) | Chap. 5 | Week 4 Video |
Week 5 (Mar. 25) | Chap. 6 | Week 5 Video |
Week 6 (April 8) | Chap. 7 | Week 6 Video |
Week 7 (April 22) | Chap. 8 | Week 7 Video |
Week 8 (May 6) | Chap. 9 |