61st Regular Convention

LCMS Central Illinois District
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

61st Regular Convention

July 13-15, 2025


The 61st Convention of the Central Illinois District of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod and the 10th Convention of the CID Church Extension Fund, Inc. will be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Springfield, Illinois, on July 13-15, 2025. Registration for the convention and business sessions will be held at the Crowne Plaza from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm on Sunday, July 13th, and beginning at 7:00 am on Monday, July 14th. Room reservations are available at the Crowne Plaza and the Holiday Inn Express (next door) for $129 per room per night. The Holiday Inn provides a continental breakfast, but the Crowne Plaza does not.

The By-Laws of Synod (4.2.2) state that “delegates of a voting congregation to a district convention shall be accredited.” This involves preconvention registration by both the pastoral delegate and lay delegate with properly signed documentation by 2 congregational officers. At the convention they are to identify themselves to the credentials committee at the registration desk. Congregations may register their delegates using the online form (preferred) found in the Downloads & Forms section on the right side of this page (available Jan. 1, 2025).

All nonvoting ordained and commissioned ministers who are members of the Synod within the district shall serve as advisory delegates. Congregations in a multi-congregation parish from which the parish voting lay delegate was not elected may send a lay advisory representative. Advisory Delegates and Representatives are entitled to voice and vote on a floor committee (if appointed) and to speaking privileges at the convention. All advisory members are expected to attend all sessions of the convention. Advisory members may register via online form (preferred) found in the Downloads & Forms section on the right side of this page (available Jan. 1, 2025).

Guests, exhibitors, and others are welcome to attend, but are also to present themselves to the credentials committee at the registration desk for identification purposes. They should register ahead of time using the online form (preferred) found in the Downloads & Forms section on the right side of this page (available Jan. 1, 2025).

Prior to the convention, Convention materials will be made available by email or on the CID website. Other advisory delegates desiring this information may request it from the District Office. Each individual is responsible for printing up any material they need for the convention. There will be very limited printed copies of convention materials at the registration desk. There will be no electrical outlets available in the convention hall for computers.

We plan to again use voting keypads during our Monday sessions. This should hasten the election process and eliminate much paperwork. Each voting delegate will be assigned a wireless voting keypad. There is a charge of $400 for any damaged or lost keypad.

Registration Fees: Each voting delegate will be assessed a fee of $135 to cover convention costs and lunch on Monday. Congregations registering their voters online by February 15, 2025 will receive a $15 Early-Bird Discount on the registration fee. Voting delegate registration not received by June 1, 2022, will be subject to an additional $50 late fee. Advisory Delegates and Representatives (nonvoting ordained and commissioned ministers and nonvoting lay representatives from multi-congregation parishes) attending the convention will be assessed a fee of $40 ($35 if registered online prior to January 31, $60 if registering after June 1) which does include Monday Lunch. Exhibitor space is available for $60 per table desired. If an electrical connection is desired, an additional $40 is required. Exhibitors will be assigned tables and a layout will be available so conventioneers will know where each exhibitor is located.

Hotel Information: Everyone is to make their own reservation with the hotels. Room rates which include 1 or 2 persons at the Crowne Plaza is $129 (does not include breakfast) and at the Holiday Inn Express $129 (which includes a continental breakfast). Clink on the link in the hotel name or contact the hotels directly to make your reservation. When you contact the hotels, tell them you are with the Central Illinois District Convention/CID to receive our special rates. If you have any difficulties, contact the District Office.

Crowne Plaza
3000 S. Dirksen Parkway
Springfield, IL 62703
(217) 585-2830

On-Line Reservation Link:
Central IL District CID - Crowne Plaza

Holiday Inn Express
3050 S. Dirksen Parkway
Springfield, IL 62703
(217) 585-2830

On-Line Reservation Link:
Central IL District CID - Holiday Inn

Directions:  From Interstate 55 take Exit #94 (Stevenson Drive) and travel west to Dirksen Parkway.  Turn right (north) and travel a short distance to the hotels located on your right (East).

Schedule: The convention will start with an opening communion service on Sunday, July 13th, at 7:00 pm.  Monday morning, July 14th, the sessions begin at 8:00 am and will continue until 6:30 pm.  The only scheduled break is for lunch.  Bathroom and coffee breaks are on your own.  It is not good stewardship to have everyone heading to those areas at the same time.  Lunch on Monday will be next door to our convention meeting area.  You will be on your own for Monday dinner.  Tuesday, July 15th, the sessions again begin at 8:00 am and continue until 12 noon, if necessary.  You will be on your own for Tuesday lunch.  

Seating: There will be sufficient seating for all voting and advisory delegates and representatives. Additional seating for guests will also be available outside of the designated delegate/representative area.

Electing Circuit Visitors (By-law 5.2.2)

  1. It shall be done at a Circuit Forum attended by 1 lay person & 1 pastor from each congregation (Forums should be held before March 15, 2025).
  2. Election shall be by written ballot. 
  3. Eligible – All pastors serving congregations in the circuit and any emeriti pastors in the circuit.   
  4. Process to follow:
    A. Information provided on each pastor who is nominated, 
    B. Each voter shall vote for 2 pastors on the initial ballot, 
    C. The 3 Pastors with highest votes are placed on next ballot,
    D. Each voter shall now vote for 1 pastor,
    E. Voting continues until 1 has majority of votes cast, 
  5. Immediately after election, the current Circuit Visitor reports the election in writing to the District Secretary, Rev. Kent Umbarger, 1450 – 30th Ave, East Moline, IL  61244 or pastoru@stjohnsem.org
  6. The July CID Convention will ratify the election.

Call for Nominations

Material for downloading and printing:

  • CID Call for Nominations - October 23, 2024 - PDF
  • Exhibit A - Nominations for Elective District Offices - PDF
  • Exhibit B - Guidelines for Considering Nominees for Various Elected Positions - PDF
  • Exhibit C - Nominations Form for Elected Positions - Fillable PDF | Online Form